- Act Early: Act on a cold as soon as first symptoms appear. As soon as a slight sore throat or cough starts to appear take action. Early action can drastically cut recovery time, leaving you back to ''the real world'' as soon as possible.
- Stay Warm: This is perhaps the main way to recover quickly from a cold. It's not called a cold for nothing. Bacteria simply hate heat. That is why in the event of many illnesses, the body heats up creating fever conditions. Fervers aren't caused by bacteria and viruses. It's a defence mechanism which evolved to target disease. Keeping warm when you have a cold is vital for a speedy recovery. So turn up the heat to a toasty level, wear an extra sweater, drink hot drinks and eat warm food. It's particularly important to make sure your throat stays warm, so consider wearing a scarf indoors, even in bed (sounds silly, but it works!). Also ensure the air you are breathing is warm: warm air aids recovery; cold air can make things worse.
- Use Natural Remedies: Many natural products are now scientifically proven to help you recover from a cold quickly. Some fo these include: garlic, honey, warm chicken soup and echinacea herb. Fresh ginger tea is great for reducing cough symptoms. To make it just finely shred a teaspoon of fresh ginger, place it in a mug, add hot water and wait 3 minutes for it to infuse, then add a teaspoon of honey. Taking Vitamin-C is also shown to speed recovery. Natural remedies have the added advantage of having little to no side effects.
- Steam and Menthol products greatly help to reduce congestion and help you to feel better. The time honored approach of a steam bath works wonders: pour hot water into a bowl, place your face above the bowl and put a large towel over your head. Inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes. This will help to loosen up any blockages in your sinuses, clear out that chesty cough and ease a sore throat.
- Relax: High stress levels have a negative effect on the immune system. If you have a cold and want to recover quickly it is important to rest and relax as much as possible. Try not to force yourself to keep working and running errands while suffering from a cold. Limit your responsibilities and give yourself permission to be lazy for a while. Far better to take a day off to get back to your cold-free, fully-productive self. So do things which calm and relax you such a reading, meditating, listening to music and spending time with family, friends and pets. Laughter can also boost the immune response, so it's the perfect time to watch those comedy shows!
- Avoid smoking, alchohol and caffeine as these tend to dry up the throat, leaving it more vunerable to the cold virus. Smoking, obviously is no help to the lungs and sinuses either.
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